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Local offices

8tree Commercial HQ, Southern California, USA,
T: +1-408-813-0969

8tree R&D Center, Southern Germany, Europe
T: +49-7531-8914990

8tree Engineering Support Office, Dallas, Texas, USA
T: +1 785-312-4674

8tree Engineering Support Office, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T: +60-12-983-5530


We would love to hear from you. How can we help with your surface inspection needs? Tell us at or use the contact form below.


We offer software, manuals, video tutorials, and additional product material for our customers on our platform 8tree filecamp. Please contact us if you are not yet signed up for this service.

For any question our customers can use the ticket system ( Our support usually responds within 24 hours. Please note that our support is closed worldwide on January 1st, December 25th and 26th.